Days Three & Four - Pictured Rocks National Seashore and Marquette

We headed off to Munising to catch the afternoon tour of the Pictured
Rocks National Lakeshore. It was a beautiful day.

Eager anticipation of the sights to come.

Pictured Rocks is an area of high cliffs along the Superior Lakeshore
that have been colored by minerals leaching from the rocks and shaped
by water and wind erosion.

It is also a popular area for kayakers, who camp on the narrow sand
beaches at the foot of some of the cliffs. The scenery was truly

It was a long day, and the rocking of the boat and the drone of the
motor made it real easy to fall asleep.

Marquette is an old, but restored city on the Lake Superior Shore. It
is also very hilly. We had hoped to see a lake freighter taking on
taconite ore, but were not so lucky this time.

An impromptu pot luck dinner back at the campground. Now this is what
makes Roadtrekking fun!
Day 5 -
Keweenaw Peninsula
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