Yellowstone - part 1
June 21-22, 2001

We made it to Yellowstone National Park!

into Yelllowstone from the south, we saw that it had a lot of snow.
This snowbank along the road is almost as tall as Zack.

boys' tent set up in our campsite; it was right next to a snowbank. The
nights were cold (about 35 degrees), but the boys said that they slept

setting up camp, we headed for Old Faithful; the route required us to
cross the continental divide; this time it was at an elevation of 8391

The crowd at Old Faithful waiting for it to erupt.

crowd was not disappointed. Old Faithful erupted within a couple of
minutes of the time predicted by the Park Service; the error estimate
on their prediction was plus or minus ten minutes, so that was pretty

watching Old Faithful, we wandered through some of the other thermal
features in the area. This is one of the hot springs, but I forgot its
name. It seemed to the boys that a lot of the geysers were named, "Stay
on walk", which was the most common sign in the area.

thermal pool had wild flowers growing right next to it, which was
unusual. The acidity of the water, and the fumes emitted tend to kill
plants nearby.

The Grotto seemed to be belching forth steam and hot water almost continously.

beauty of Morning Glory Pool has faded from people throwing things into
the pool. This has resulted in lower water temperature and a change in
color from bright blue and green to a dull green and orange. What a

The Grand Prismatic Pool in the Midway Geyser Basin is just as colorful as ever.
boys decided, however, that, except for Old Faithful, they didn't like
the thermal features; the rotten egg smell of hydrogen sulfide bothered