On the Way to the Tetons
June 16-17, 2011

long distance across boring country is easier for the kids if we let
them play video games on the Wii, which we reluctantly agreed to do.
Zack and Alex and ensconced in the rear and thoroughly engaged in their
video game.
We made a stop at the National Oregon-California Trail Center in
Montpelior, ID. Nancy and I had discovered this museum on an earlier
trip and liked it very much; it does a living history re-enactment of a
wagon train journey from Independence, MO to Oregon City, OR. Since
one of our ancestors had traveled on a wagon train to California, it
was especially relevant to us.

"wagon master" Dave (left) told us that all persons 12 or older in the
wagon train were required to have a gun. Zack is holding an authentic
1850's rifle and thoroughly enjoying the experience.

it was Alex's turn to hold the rifle. Since he is 12 and would have
been required to have a gun, one can imagine what he is thinking right

campfire re-enactment at Clover Creek along the Oregon Trail. The
museum is actually located at the location of the Clover Creek campsite.

along on the road to the Tetons we had lunch at a put-in spot for
people rafting the Snake River. The river looked high and was running
fast. It was also a dreary day, so these people were in for a cold ride.