Alex's Birthday Party

July 16, 2002

Today was Alex's fourth birthday and he celebrated it with a party with his friends. These pictures are for the benefit of Alex's other grandparents, great grandmother, and other relatives and friends that could not come to the party.


The living room was decorated with streamers and balloons taped to the walls. When the guests arrived and the door was opened to let them in, the wind blew down the balloons, creating an impromptu, but very successful toy for entertaining the kids



After a game of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, the kids had a candy hunt in the backyard. Here they are enjoying the fruits of their "treasure hunt."



After the "hard work" of finding candy in the backyard, it was time to eat the birthday cake. The decoration on the cake was from "The Wiggles". For the benefit of those of you out of touch with current musical groups hot among 2-4 year olds, they are the current "rage". The noisemakers were a great hit while the cake was being cut and served.



Alex, KK, and Zack making "short work" of the cake and ice cream.


Alex playing with his new Thomas train set, a special gift from mom and dad. The train table was build by his dad and grandpa.