The village of L'Anse-au-Clair. Many of the coves had small villages in them.

Labrador, and before heading back to Newfoundland, we went into Quebec
to see a puffin sanctuary near Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon. The puffins are
on the island about a mile offshore. An observatory platform at the
turnout had a telescope for viewing the puffins, but they were still
too far away to see very well. But it was a good place to spend the
night before catching the ferry back to Newfoundland the next day.

The ferry coming in to Blanc Sablon.

in line to board the ferry for the return trip to Newfoundland. The
ferry ride lasted about an hour and 45 minutes. The ferry is heavily
subsidized by the government; our cost (for the Roadtrek and the
two of us) was only $27, which is a real bargain.