Gros Morne National Park
Aug. 23-24, 2012

On the way to Gros Morne National Park we pulled into a gas station to fill up. A group of three other Roadtreks also pulled in; they were part of a "walkabout" touring Newfoundland and were members of Roadtrek International (the Roadtrek RV club we belong to); we had been in contact with them by e-mail so it was interesting to meet them on the road and exchange information. In these situations you have to have a group photo, of course; hence the photo to the right.

The south arm of Bonne Bay in Gros Morne National Park.

Trout River is a picturesque fishing village surrounded by the National Park.

The Lobster Cove Head lighthouse has marked the entrance to Bonne Bay since 1897. Before that, people in the village of Rocky Harbor took turns putting a light in their window at night.

The parking lot at the Lobster Cove lighthouse was a good place to boondock for the night. They even left the bathrooms open all night.

Pat "playing" an Ugly Stick, which is a musical (if you can call it that) instrument unique to Newfoundland.

A Parks Canada interpreter, who, along with her husband, had been a commercial fisherman, is showing how a cod trap works. She was very good, and very entertaining.

Memorial University of St. John's operates a marine station on Bonne Bay. Meghan, who is a marine studies student at Memorial, gave us an excellent tour of their aquarium.   She is holding a crab.

Another fishing village in Gros Morne.

Sunset over the Gulf of St. Lawrence.