Farewell Dinner

Nov. 26

The time had come for the final dinner, where we say goodbye to the people we have been traveling with for the last 24 days.




From left to right, Juan, our wagon master, and guide, Alfredo. Juan is also the owner of Mexican Adventures, the parent company of Copper Canyon RV Tours. Alfredo is a free lance tour guide and works with several different tour companies. "Muchas gracias, amigos", for a great tour through Mexico!





Gordon is offering a toast to Juan and Alfredo, thanking them for an excellent tour.





Alfredo announced that today was Juan's birthday, a secret which he had revealed earlier to "selected" members of the group. Juan was presented with a couple of impromptu birthday cards. Contrary to the impression he tries to give people, Juan does dance; the picture on the card shows him dancing the macarena with three "wild women" in the group.





Jim and Suzanne, "world famous actors", did a little known four act play called, "Patience, Jackass".



The group then "sang" a set of limericks thanking Juan and Alfredo for the trip.








In case you are dying to know what the limericks were, here is a copy obtained from a confidential source. Somehow, no one claimed authorship of this document. Rumor has it, though, that Pat, Diane, and Jim had something to do with it, along with other un-named people.

Tomorrow we make a run for the border; we go to Nogales to cross back into the U.S. and say goodbye to our Mexican friends from El Paso and Chihuahua.